Part 22: Chapter 3, Level 6

"Looking for work? Cabalco could always use an extra body! We're constantly hiring, and boy do we have perks. You'll get to work in a vast new skyscraper, we've got soda and coffee machines on every floor, our, ahem, medical-treatment-plan is out of this world. At Cabalco, even if you are at the bottom rung looking up, we promise that you'll get an underling in no time! Our, er, Human Resources Department doesn't put you through any of the onerous stuff that those other corporations require. Inexperienced? No problem! We don't even require a resume (much less an application). Just show up and you are ours, I mean, um, you get the job. Cabalco is an unequal opportunity employer."
There's not even anything to say about this one, at least as far as the actual Blood II gameplay goes. It's a retread that only breaks the one-minute mark because I hung back to grab the Life Seed again. This would normally be double-feature time but
Apologies in advance for the poor consistency of the framerates on the other games' footage, Dxtory doesn't recognize them and OBS generally refuses to play nice (especially with Half-Life) no matter what settings I try. For a series where they're only the focus of one video out of about 32 I figure it's not that important.